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Georgia Kotretsos, Dimitris Merantzas, Pavlos Nikolakopoulos


October 18 – 31, 2006

After a particularly successful and lively year, Qbox gallery is moving to its new 150 square meters exhibition space. All upcoming shows will be held at 10 Armodiou Street, 1st floor, overlooking the historic Varvakios square, where the central food market is.


Qbox’s opening group exhibition is titled Occasion for the Basics. Each of three artists presented, incorporates one of the three primary colors into his/her novel work.


Georgia Kotretsos exhibits a series of drawings under the title Biopsy of Color. The artist’s points of departure are a number of world renowned paintings; where blue is the dominant color.  Kotretsos then creates thirteen drawings for the respective works of art, where blue as well as all of the main features of the original work have been consciously omitted. In this way, the viewer develops new interpretations of established works.


Dimitris Meratzas participates in the show with two pieces. The first titled Genesis is a carved and burned butcher’s block where black and white are prominent, whereas the second piece titled Eternity is a series of gold painted meat hooks. Both black, produced when all three primary colors are fully saturated, and white, created by their spinning, are in a dynamic equilibrium under the presence of gold; the semblance of light.


Pavlos Nikolakopoulos’ construction titled …it’s something; it’s almost nothing is a wheeled vehicle which operates as a drawing instrument. Nikolakopoulos’ work is inspired from the utopian idea of the White Bicycle. His interactive artwork is a comment on the lack of communitarian spirit.


The artworks, where the color is used elliptically, make us realize that what is considered basic or of primary importance can be elusive and needs to be defined by us.



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